Sunday, March 18, 2007

Kaila's Crazy Night by Dian

So last night, I had to go pee. When I got out of the bathroom Kaila said "I have to show you something in the backyard!" So I went to see what was going down. And this is what I found. I guess she was trying to be patriotic. All I heard as I walked out the door is, "We are the champions, We are the champions..." It was funny it made me laugh my butt off, literally I have no butt, I'm butt less. I did what any normal person would do and I grabbed a camera, you never know when you need to black mail. We had also have a lot of sugar that night. Good old green pina coladas mmm mmm St. Patty's day. And since she humiliated me I locked her out of the house. It didn't matter how many kisses she blow to me, there was no letting her in. She is still outside that is why I am writing this blog with out her. hahahaha. Maybe I should go get her, it did snow this morning. Meh, she hot she can handle the cold. Love you all Dian and Kaila were ever she may be. knock knock "oh wait what's that Kaila? you say you love them all too?"


Roeckers said...

You guys are crazy!

Go right this minute and open that door! Let Kaila in NOW!!

Dian and Kaila said...

NO! She likes it outside. But I don't know if she's Bush trained? At lest she has shelter under the deck.

Ully Family said...

...I don't think I should be making you two any more pino coladas. I am affraid you may hurt eachother...or worse, everybody else. Yes, I do think you are both cut off!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I hope you keep it up! I love all of the Great pics!
Dian - Kaila is bush trained don't you worry.
Kaila - You need to get some pics of Dian. hehe...

Love you both Julie